Quick Weekend Trip with Getaway House

I’ve been wanting to check out the Getaway House and I finally did it with the kids. It was tiny and super cute! We finally got a chance to unplug, use a firepit, learn how to play spades, monopoly, bike ride and go for nature walks.
If you want to get away and put down the electronics for a while, I highly recommend. Now I want to check out locations in different cities!
Sidenote: this is DEFINITELY something I would consider doing alone.

I feel so refreshed, it was much needed and so fun!

While we were there I shared on Instagram that I taught the kids how to play spades and asked you guys in my stories when y’all learned how to play.
Let me start with… this is a judgement free zone, and I learned that many of you never learned to play spades or learned later in life. We gone have to fix that family.

Let me know in the comments your ideal getaway retreat (and if you love Spades as much as I do!)

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