Brown Skin Beautiful

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Y’all KNOW I love a good DIY project. It’s practically the bulk of my social media content these days. Honestly, these projects can be a great way to save money, but also a way to infuse your own personality and love into what you’re creating. And the internet can make projects of all sizes and complexity seem accessible thanks to instructional videos and guides! Everything from making an ombré  painted wall  to a custom shelving unit seems easy, cheap, and doable.

The truth is that DIY projects aren’t always easy or cheap, and they may involve detail work that’s best left to the good old experts! For as many drool worthy DIY project I have, there are plenty of Pinterest  fail moments in my portfolio! Over the years of tackling these projects at my home and creative studio, I have gathered together the tried and true things that make a successful DIYer, and have put them in a little guide for y’all! 

While there’s nothing quite like the pride of being able to show off something you did yourself, or the satisfaction of knowing you may have saved a significant amount over retail, there are some factors to consider before deciding to do it yourself. If you can’t replicate a store bought item for relatively around the same price, or for much less…you know what I’m going to say! Just buy the item and save yourself the time. If it’s going to cost you way more time than investing in the item yourself, that’s definitely something that you need to be the judge on, because we all value our time differently, but hear me out; if you can purchase an item that fits with your aesthetic, and use that time for something that will really stand out as custom, I will always suggest doing that! 

I hope these tips helped you decide if you are ready and willing to dip your toes into the DIY water! And if you ARE…download my guide here today for my tips on how to truly become a Successful DIYer!